Author - Valerie McArthur

What if Seasons Never Actually Ended?
Five Tips for a Budget-Friendly Spring Break:
Four Things to Remember in Your Last Semester
Wait! It Actually Meant Something?
I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas
Give Blood—Play Rugby!
Orientation Week: Do Everything
A [Spring] Break from Normal
Early Morning Jogs
Overcoming A Crippling Fear of Iron

What if Seasons Never Actually Ended?

I’m sitting with two of my best friends by a window in the cafeteria. The sunlight is streaming in… it’s a beautiful Monday, a great start to the week. As I look around at everyone entering, sitting, leaving, I see four different friends getting their own food and then sitting down at individual tables. Less than three months ago we ate all of our meals together. This is a thought that makes me pause. Can it be? My semester studying abroad in Ireland feels so long ago. It’s like it was a different lifetime, and I’m a time-traveler, jumping between[…]

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Five Tips for a Budget-Friendly Spring Break:

For those of us operating on a tighter budget, Spring Break can be a pretty big financial burden. Not only are you not at your campus job for an entire week, but you’re also spending lots of money! Here are some tips on ways to cut costs and not empty out your entire wallet. 1. Couchsurf or Camp Choose a destination where you know people you can stay with! It’s amazing how quickly even cheap places to stay can add up, and nothing beats free housing. Camping is also another great option to cut down on costs and still have[…]

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Four Things to Remember in Your Last Semester

1.Time Literally Disappears It feels like just yesterday I was starting my “last first day of school” and now we’re over halfway through the semester. After spring break I have five weekends at school. FIVE. I have so many things I still want to do with my friends before we all split off and go our different ways. 2. Graduating is Expensive Did you know you have to apply to graduate? And you have to pay a $35 application fee? Try to find a cap and gown from a friend too because graduation regalia is $40. If you’re broke (like[…]

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Wait! It Actually Meant Something?

Coming back from a semester abroad is fraught with difficulties and joys. One of the hardest things is being asked: “What was your favorite part?” I spent three months in Belfast, Northern Ireland, living with 19 other JBU students. I traveled all over the country, spent a weekend in London, and then went to Edinburgh, Scotland on my own for five days at the end of the semester. How am I supposed to choose my favorite part? I loved all of it! My favorite part was, quite literally, absolutely everything. During the semester we were privileged to have JBU professor[…]

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I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

As a missionary kid, I’m proud of my Guatemalan history. I love tamales, frijoles negros, freshly made corn tortillas (flour tortillas are a sad replacement), and the fireworks we light on Christmas Eve. I love going home and walking up the tile stairs to my room, walking through the patches of warm sunlight, being in the same house I spent the majority of my childhood in. The cracks in the wall are familiar to me, and being in that house is so comfortable. Even the smells are like old friends, unlike the foreign smells of the United States and JBU.[…]

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Give Blood—Play Rugby!

When you have three hostile ruggers converging on you, don’t just stand still with the ball. Run! Trust me on this one, okay? Rugby is not one of those games conducive to pensiveness and careful thought. It’s a game of explosive intensity, fearless aggression and full trust in teammates. You never stop moving, gaining ground or fighting back. College is the time to try things, to stretch your horizons and delve deep into relationships, ministries, classes, athletics and overseas study abroad adventures. At JBU, there are so many opportunities to try new things and to be involved. Some experiences will help[…]

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Orientation Week: Do Everything

“I don’t know how we met,” I say, looking at one of my best friends. We’re en route to our dorm, walking together after a meal in the cafeteria. There’s a slight pause and then Hannah responds, “Yeah, I have no idea. It was during orientation at some point.” Ah, yes. Orientation week. I have some very distinct memories of orientation week—sitting in one of the art buildings figuring out my schedule, walking the longest possible way to Hutch in order to buy a book, sitting with my O-group under a tree, and somehow finding and hanging out with the[…]

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A [Spring] Break from Normal

The change feels immediate. One second we’re driving through the flat, boring Texas panhandle, and the next the bushes have changed to manzanita shrubs and the dirt is red. The land begins to bump and swell into massive mountains. Mallory and I  can’t stop grinning. We’re almost there! As the sun sets, the shadows in the mountains deepen and the harsh light turns soft and golden. We pull up to our friend’s house where we’ll be staying for a few days, the cozy adobe blending into the surroundings. In the horizon is Sandia Crest, a mountain range that juts up[…]

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Early Morning Jogs

I love running first thing in the morning on the Dogwood Springs Trail, the paved path that snakes through Siloam Springs and rings John Brown’s campus. Morning is the most beautiful time of day, full of the promise of the hours ahead. The sky is tinged with ever-brightening blue as I run by Hutch residence hall and down past the rugby pitch. Ahead of me, I spot three deer making their halting way toward the trees. They’re beautiful and bold because they haven’t seen me yet. I round the corner, and spot the deer turning back the way they came.[…]

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Overcoming A Crippling Fear of Iron

I suffer from Gymtimidation. It’s a real problem. I want to workout but I don’t feel comfortable going into the Walton Health Complex. I’ve never really lifted weights and I don’t know how to use half of the fancy machines in the weight room. I don’t believe in letting my fears control me, though, so in an effort to get in better shape and face my anxieties head on, I sign up for a Weight Training class. What could be better than getting over my cowardice and getting class credit for it? My class gathers in the gym lobby by[…]

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