Archive - February 2017

Spaghetti Politics
Classes Provide Real-World Experiences
Transitioning is Hard
How I Returned From Cloud Nine

Spaghetti Politics

You’re scanning. As you hopelessly search, your cafeteria spaghetti is getting cold. You see someone across the room. “Is that Jack? No. Definitely not Jack. Wait, there’s a spot next to Ryan.” You greet everyone at the table with a quick smile and begin winding up your noodles. Then, like a mouse snapped in a trap, you realize your fate. You hear the words “Donald Trump.” Politics. The favorite table topic. Great. If you’re a lover of harmony like me, you panic. Your mind begins to race.  “Should I say anything? Should I share my REAL opinion?  Is it worth it?” All you want is to blend in and[…]

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Classes Provide Real-World Experiences

One of my favorite parts of pursuing a degree in communications at John Brown University is gaining real-world experience. In several of my major classes, I have had the opportunity to work with both internal and external clients in the fields of marketing and public relations. These classes have shown me what my career will look like. I have been able to experience creating plans and also working to enact them. My first experience with an external client was in my principles of marketing class. My team created a plan for a local restaurant, and the restaurant used our plan for[…]

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Transitioning is Hard

I’m a missionary kid (MK) from Guatemala, Central America. I grew up there and didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the United States before moving to John Brown University. I was so excited, but also terrified. I wasn’t just moving out of my parents’ home, but also changing countries and cultures—all with no family or connections within a ten-hour drive. I flew up from Guatemala alone. Walking away from my parents before entering security was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I knew my life was changing forever but wasn’t entirely sure what future I[…]

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How I Returned From Cloud Nine

It was surreal, driving onto JBU’s campus for the first time since last May. Seven months doesn’t sound like a long time, but so much had happened in my life that it felt like a lifetime. I’d spent the summer working in Iowa, and then had flown to Northern Ireland to study for three months and explore the culture and country. There were 20 of us who lived together, grew together and formed our own tiny little family. I lived in Belfast, Northern Ireland this past fall semester, learned philosophy, theology and literature from Irish professors, got to know and love a[…]

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