Author - Justus Furber

The Incompatibility with Pride and being “The Best”
The Adventures of Scott’s Tots

The Incompatibility with Pride and being “The Best”

One of the greatest temptations we, as humans, commit is to compare ourselves to others. Our human nature, in essence, is to be prideful. We compete against each other in every way possible, from grades to relationships to careers to status. I too dismiss others and make myself the center of my life. I guess I haven’t yet listened when my father always said, “Justus, someone will always be better than you.” Hearing those words growing up, I immediately had resentment thinking, “I’ll prove him wrong; I’ll be the best at something.” American culture especially is very individualistic and selfish.[…]

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The Adventures of Scott’s Tots

When I first arrived at JBU, there was a lot to prioritize, and I hadn’t given much thought to the struggles of adapting, particularly to new relationships. At first, I didn’t expect that my best friends would be found in my suite mates. I lived in Hutchinson Hall, which can be seen as the dullest of the halls, and I was just not excited about the people I would soon be living with. When I met my roommate, we were both shy at first, and that went for the rest of my suitemates as well. However, our RA, Scott Lightbourn,[…]

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