Author - Coby Dolloff

Concerts and Kingdoms
Faithfulness to All Generations
Beauty in Monotony

Concerts and Kingdoms

This weekend was one for the books. Let me preface by saying that my favorite band by far is a group called NEEDTOBREATHE. I have been following them and their music for a long time, and have always loved it. Some controversial businessmen-politicians might refer to my fandom as being “YUGE.” So one could infer that I was pretty ecstatic to see them live in concert for the first time last Friday night in Oklahoma City. The trip down was an adventure in itself. After rushed astronomy tests, missed gas stations, hazardous U-turns, and fine dining at Raising Cane’s Chicken[…]

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Faithfulness to All Generations

Late last night, I sat down at my desk to finally complete an assignment for my Old Testament class that should have been done much earlier. The assignment was to read the Abraham story (Genesis 12-25) and the accompanying textbook pages, and then answer a few reflection questions over them. My plan was to get this done quickly and move on with my day. Fortunately, God had something else in mind. Although I have read this story many times in the past, I think I have often failed to fully grasp it. I have always viewed Abraham as a hero,[…]

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Beauty in Monotony

At two a.m. on Thursday morning, it finally set in. I typed the last word on my English homework, snapped my MacBook shut, and felt relief rush over me with the thought, It’s over. This relief lasted a full two seconds, replaced quickly by the realization, I have to get up and do it all again in 5 hours. At this moment, college became real to me. And not a good real. The pomp and circumstance of Orientation were over, and the grind had begun. As I thought it through, my predicament only became worse. There would be no end[…]

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