Author - Sarah White

Respectful Disagreements
Your Grades Don’t Define You
College Builds Confidence
Finding a Church
Classes Provide Real-World Experiences

Respectful Disagreements

Before I started going to John Brown University, all the Christians in my life seemed to think the same way. I wasn’t really confronted with opinions that drastically differed from my own. Once I came to John Brown University, however, I learned that people do not always have to think the same way. I personally believe that it is through disagreements that we actually come to better ideas, because no one can be right at all times. When disagreeing with someone, it is important to remain respectful. Here are a few tips for when disagreements come up: Actually listen to[…]

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Your Grades Don’t Define You

“Your grades don’t define you.” The words were written on the whiteboard of my advanced composition class the morning after we turned in our first assignment. The professor explained that we were all defined thousands of years ago by God and our grades shouldn’t define us. I immediately agreed with this statement, though it’s still hard to completely accept. I don’t let my grades define me, but I know that these letters are an important part of how I view myself. I see myself as the person who always gets straight A’s and, if I don’t achieve that goal, it[…]

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College Builds Confidence

Before coming to JBU, I was a very shy person and didn’t like starting conversations with new people. Studying communication at JBU has helped me get over my shy nature in so many ways. In my first semester, I took news writing and reporting, a class required for my major. The first assignment was to write a man-on-the-street story, which required me to go up to random people and ask their opinions on student voting. I was told not to use my friends or even acquaintances for this assignment—just strangers. I was so freaked out that I even considered dropping the class because[…]

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Finding a Church

For many students, going off to college will be the first time that they’re responsible for choosing their own church. This can be a daunting task, but here are some tips: Consider the attributes of the church you grew up in. If you liked the church you grew up in and agreed with the doctrine,  see if there are any churches of that denomination in the area. If not, you can look for churches that have similar doctrine. For example, I grew up in the Evangelical Covenant Church and there are no churches like that in Siloam; however, I’ve been[…]

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Classes Provide Real-World Experiences

One of my favorite parts of pursuing a degree in communications at John Brown University is gaining real-world experience. In several of my major classes, I have had the opportunity to work with both internal and external clients in the fields of marketing and public relations. These classes have shown me what my career will look like. I have been able to experience creating plans and also working to enact them. My first experience with an external client was in my principles of marketing class. My team created a plan for a local restaurant, and the restaurant used our plan for[…]

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