Author - Callie Owensby

Part of a Legacy
Good Morning
The Best Days

Part of a Legacy

When I think about how this university has been operating for 100 years now, I can start to question my place in it all. One hundred years is a long time. How many students just like me have experienced this place? I am just one of thousands. It’s an overwhelming thought that can lead me to wonder if I, one Iowa-born girl attending JBU for four years, am contributing anything to this centennial legacy. In another hundred years, will my picture be up on whatever is the future form of Power Point as the woman who accomplished such and such[…]

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Good Morning

The alarm signals the beginning of a day-long scramble. Rushing to get out of bed, to get into my clothes, to get to class, to get things done, to get to the next class, until I tumble into bed at the end of the day (or the middle of the night, circumstances depending). If only there were more hours in a day. This kind of constant rush is not going to cut it for me. There’s got to be a solution. I am not a morning person, so when someone suggests getting up earlier, I try to find alternate solutions[…]

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The Best Days

“Enjoy it. These will be the best days of your entire life.” While these words were once an anthem of hope, they now rang in my ears like a bad omen. I was sitting in my bed with a mug of pumpkin spice coffee and a laptop open to a livestream of the college football team from back home. My feet were tucked into wool socks, my hair in wet bun. It was the day after my birthday, Labor Day weekend of my freshman year. The friends I had made so far were with their families, who had come to[…]

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Earbuds serve many purposes but, most importantly, they serve as a signal to the outside world that the wearer wants no human interaction. They are a sign to all: do not disturb. At least, that’s how I see them. If earbuds aren’t enough, surely the furrowed brows, the chattering of laptop keys and the tablecloth of books are enough to ward off any who dare distract us dedicated students. That’s why I am irritated when people try to strike up a conversation with my friend. I’ll spare the occasional smile and wave if I accidentally make eye contact with a[…]

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