Planning for Post-Grad

Planning for life after graduation can be a tricky process, especially if you’re still a few years out. For some, it means going straight into the workforce. For others, it’s the beginning of the long process of grad school and training. For most students, your plans will change over the course of your time at JBU. For some, it changes every semester.

We asked JBU alumni what advice they had for students when it came to planning for after graduation. Here’s what they said:

“It’s okay to not be where you saw yourself four years ago. It may feel weird, and maybe even sad, but where you end up is where you are supposed to be.” – Averee Gumm, Alumni ‘21

“Grades don’t exist post-graduation, so practice finding you worth elsewhere in undergrad. Get involved and make memories now so that you can worry about adult stuff later.” – Daniel Norwood, Alumni ‘21

“My biggest piece of advice would be to expect the unexpected. I was originally planning to become a chemist and go into a STEM field. Now, I just finished my second month as a teacher in Palestine. You’ll be amazed by the different twists and turns that your life takes throughout college. I suggest you lean into that.” – Eliza Newkirk, Alumni ‘21

Life after college can be a scary thing. However, many JBU students can attest that it’s best to stay hopeful and keep moving forward. JBU is the perfect place for figuring out what it is that you are meant to do and how to best reach that.

About the author

Spencer Bailey

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