Finding a Church

One of the experiences that students have when they first start college is finding a church of their own. For many at JBU, they are hours away from home so their church search starts from scratch. The process of finding a church can sometimes be difficult, especially in Siloam Springs; it has been said at one point, Siloam set a world record for most churches per capita. When you factor in all of the options with the fact that students are still making their faith their own, it seems like a lot. However, JBU students have consistently found ways to get involved in churches not only across Siloam, but across Northwest Arkansas.

We asked JBU students’ what advice they would give for finding churches, and here’s what they said:

Look for a church that teaches straight from the Bible. Ask honest questions about how they worship, and whether that fits into how you personally worship. – Rachel Mann, Sophomore

Talk to other students what they value in a church and see where they attend; you can learn a lot from upperclassmen. – Tara Warden, Junior

Don’t feel like you have to decide what church you want to call home in your first semester. Try out denominations that you didn’t grow up with, and don’t let anyone pressure you into a denomination. Don’t be afraid to try different churches, whether it’s your first semester or your last. – Laniese Penner, Junior

Don’t expect to find a church just like your home church. Figure out aspects of church that are really important to you and look for those: community, scripture, worship, etc. – Kassy Shelby, Junior

Spiritual growth is core to JBU’s mission, and finding a church is vital for students starting their adult lives. The JBU community will help in any way possible to ensure that each student gets involved somewhere that will challenge their faith and feed their hunger for Christ.

About the author

Spencer Bailey

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