Archive - September 2021

Planning for Post-Grad
Study Abroad
NWA Coffee Shops
Finding a Church
Chapel and the Gathering
Juggling Extracurriculars
What to do in NWA
Dorm Necessities
Dorm Life

Planning for Post-Grad

Planning for life after graduation can be a tricky process, especially if you’re still a few years out. For some, it means going straight into the workforce. For others, it’s the beginning of the long process of grad school and training. For most students, your plans will change over the course of your time at JBU. For some, it changes every semester. We asked JBU alumni what advice they had for students when it came to planning for after graduation. Here’s what they said: “It’s okay to not be where you saw yourself four years ago. It may feel weird,[…]

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Study Abroad

One of the many amazing opportunities that students can take advantage of during their time at JBU is studying abroad. With a wide array of international programs and a team devoted to helping students get outside of their comfort zone, students are sure to get connected with a program that will fit within their degree plan. In most study abroad programs,  classes offered will give credit for core classes, major-specific classes, or both. Study abroad trips are offered during the summer and during the school year. For the summer, students can go to Ireland, Jordan, Switzerland, or on one of[…]

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NWA Coffee Shops

While Northwest Arkansas is notorious for its gorgeous views, the bustling coffee shop scene is just as remarkable. As a student, coffee shops are a go-to place for studying, hanging out with friends, and enjoying a healthy dose of caffeine in a fun and relaxing environment. Due to their popularity, some tend to be crowded or expensive, and are not the ideal places for students; not every coffee shop is perfect. Here are some of the top coffee shops in the NWA region: Onyx Coffee Lab – With locations in Rogers, Bentonville, and Fayetteville, Onyx is a popular destination for[…]

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Finding a Church

One of the experiences that students have when they first start college is finding a church of their own. For many at JBU, they are hours away from home so their church search starts from scratch. The process of finding a church can sometimes be difficult, especially in Siloam Springs; it has been said at one point, Siloam set a world record for most churches per capita. When you factor in all of the options with the fact that students are still making their faith their own, it seems like a lot. However, JBU students have consistently found ways to[…]

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Chapel and the Gathering

At JBU, one of the unique things that students get to experience are the weekly moments of worship, prayer, and fellowship at weekly services designed for fulfilling the chapel requirement. The requirement, which helps keep with JBU’s core mission of providing Christ-centered higher education to students, can be met in two main ways: attending chapel services, which occur at 10:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and attending the Gathering, which occurs at 9:00 pm on Sundays. At chapel, students get to worship with a live student band and listen to JBU professors, guest speakers, and JBU’s Chaplain, Keith Jagger, give[…]

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Juggling Extracurriculars

JBU offers a variety of extracurriculars, such as the Honors Program, Student Government, Student Events and Activities, The Threefold Advocate Newspaper and more. However, many students on campus find themselves so involved that they worry about juggling classes, work, and all of their activities. We asked some current JBU students how they manage it all. Here’s what they said: “It’s okay to try things out and then walk away. College has a lot of opportunities for you to find out what you like and figure out your place. You have the freedom to try so many different things out. Once[…]

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John Brown University offers a wide variety of extracurriculars, but few are quite as popular as intramural sports. These sports give you the opportunity to participate in a group activity without having to make the full-time commitment of varsity sports. The purpose of these is to allow students to have fun and take a break from studying, while also making friends and forming relationships. Some of these include: Sand volleyball: This intramural is new to JBU, with new courts being installed near Hutchinson Hall just last year. These courts, as well as the courts in downtown Siloam Springs, are perfect[…]

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What to do in NWA

Northwest Arkansas is a beautiful area with tons of stuff to do. However, if you’re new to the area, you might find it difficult to make weekend plans. Here are some of the best things to do in NWA: Explore historic downtowns: Siloam Springs, Fayetteville, Bentonville, Rogers and Fort Smith all offer unique and beautiful historic downtown areas where you can shop, eat, and find a myriad of activities. These spaces are popular for taking pictures and sightseeing, and you could spend hours simply wandering around. Go to a concert: The Walmart AMP is just 45 minutes away from JBU[…]

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Dorm Necessities

When packing up to move into college for the first time you can find yourself stressed out about what you should bring for life in your dorm. For many returning students, they have a list of necessities, or items that they feel they must have in their dorm. We asked some current JBU students what they thought were dorm necessities. Here’s what they said: “One of my dorm essentials is any type of mattress pad! The mattresses in the dorms can be thin, and having the extra cushion is so nice.” – Sydra Stanley, Senior “While packing for college, I[…]

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Dorm Life

Dorm Life at JBU is simply unmatched, with each dorm containing unique features, incredible residence life staff, and an atmosphere of togetherness which will ensure you feel right at home as soon as you walk in the door. As far as atmosphere goes you can expect calm, quiet mornings as you get ready for classes, followed by a night of activities and studying. Residence life staff plan events all year long for dorms such as the Hutch Hall Mini Golf Tournament or the J. Alvin Christmas Party.  The first and oldest residence hall on campus is J. Alvin. Most popular[…]

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