Prayer and Reflection: Set Aside Time for the Lord

College is demanding. Several weeks have buzzed by and you are already locked in your routine.  Classes, homework, meetings, clubs, small groups, intermural games and social gatherings.

You are busy, to say the least.

But suddenly you realize that your devo time has been replaced with sleep, or lack thereof, and countless tasks.

When you settle into college, remember to create a time and space for quiet time before the Lord. Interrupt the busyness and stressfulness of your insane agenda and come in peaceful state before the Lord.

I have found that, usually, the best of days are those in which I spend just a few minutes reading the bible or in prayer.

I would encourage you to find what brings you closest to God. If you already know what works best for you, all the better.

My buddy Chipper plays guitar. When he is learning complicated songs, he find himself in closest to God. Likewise, another friend named Coral, a talented musician and artists, feels closest to God when she plays an instrument or paints a picture of nature.

I like simple alone time with a journal and a Bible. Usually, I like to be outside.

If either hiding in your dorm, hammocking on the quad, or escaping campus, use the precious time to pray, read, and journal.

This requires some discipline, arising earlier or saying no to social gatherings. It takes time to find a good balance.

Something I have found valuable is praying for time. Understand that “your time” belongs to the Lord and that it is a gift He’s bestowed to you.

Time is important and school will swamp your time. Make sure to give some of that time to God.

About the author

Zeke Willcox

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