Archive - June 8, 2017

Early Morning Jogs
Overcoming A Crippling Fear of Iron

Early Morning Jogs

I love running first thing in the morning on the Dogwood Springs Trail, the paved path that snakes through Siloam Springs and rings John Brown’s campus. Morning is the most beautiful time of day, full of the promise of the hours ahead. The sky is tinged with ever-brightening blue as I run by Hutch residence hall and down past the rugby pitch. Ahead of me, I spot three deer making their halting way toward the trees. They’re beautiful and bold because they haven’t seen me yet. I round the corner, and spot the deer turning back the way they came.[…]

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Overcoming A Crippling Fear of Iron

I suffer from Gymtimidation. It’s a real problem. I want to workout but I don’t feel comfortable going into the Walton Health Complex. I’ve never really lifted weights and I don’t know how to use half of the fancy machines in the weight room. I don’t believe in letting my fears control me, though, so in an effort to get in better shape and face my anxieties head on, I sign up for a Weight Training class. What could be better than getting over my cowardice and getting class credit for it? My class gathers in the gym lobby by[…]

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