Classes Provide Real-World Experiences

One of my favorite parts of pursuing a degree in communications at John Brown University is gaining real-world experience. In several of my major classes, I have had the opportunity to work with both internal and external clients in the fields of marketing and public relations.

These classes have shown me what my career will look like. I have been able to experience creating plans and also working to enact them. My first experience with an external client was in my principles of marketing class. My team created a plan for a local restaurant, and the restaurant used our plan for their business.

In some classes, students are even given a good deal of latitude in what they are able to do. I am currently in a leadership practicum class. Each person in class is instructed to develop and execute a project that will help change the world in some way. Though we must receive approval, we get to individually choose what we will do. We are encouraged to consider our strengths, major and passions when selecting the project, thus ensuring that no two projects are the same. Because of this, I have chosen to work on legislation to stop human trafficking. I’m excited to gain this experience and learn from this project.

This real-world experience, which has been extremely rewarding personally, will help me in a future career. Not only have I learned from them, but I have also gotten the opportunity to help people and impact causes that I care deeply about.

About the author

Sarah White

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