Author - Austin Grothe

Community—Finding Your Floaties
Spaghetti Politics

Community—Finding Your Floaties

There was one thing at the forefront of my mind as the first semester approached. Friends. Who will they be? What will they be like? What will life with them look like? If you’re like me, community is your lifeline. Trying to do life without it is like being four years old in the wave pool without your floaties. It’s exhausting, and it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning. As I was preparing to come to JBU, I worried about community. The more I thought about it, the more building a community from scratch seemed daunting. I can tell you now that a community of[…]

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Spaghetti Politics

You’re scanning. As you hopelessly search, your cafeteria spaghetti is getting cold. You see someone across the room. “Is that Jack? No. Definitely not Jack. Wait, there’s a spot next to Ryan.” You greet everyone at the table with a quick smile and begin winding up your noodles. Then, like a mouse snapped in a trap, you realize your fate. You hear the words “Donald Trump.” Politics. The favorite table topic. Great. If you’re a lover of harmony like me, you panic. Your mind begins to race.  “Should I say anything? Should I share my REAL opinion?  Is it worth it?” All you want is to blend in and[…]

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